<SEQ TYPE="KEYWORD3">.AB</SEQ> <!-- Instructions read the A-field of the A-instruction and the B-field of the B-instruction and write to B-fields. -->
<SEQ TYPE="KEYWORD3">.BA</SEQ> <!-- Instructions read the B-field of the A-instruction and the A-field of the B-instruction and write to A-fields. -->
<SEQ TYPE="KEYWORD3">.A</SEQ> <!--Instructions read and write A-fields. -->
<SEQ TYPE="KEYWORD3">.B</SEQ> <!-- Instructions read and write B-fields. -->
<SEQ TYPE="KEYWORD3">.F</SEQ> <!-- Instructions read both A- and B-fields of the the A- and B-instruction and write to both A- and B-fields (A to A and B to B). -->
<SEQ TYPE="KEYWORD3">.X</SEQ> <!-- Instructions read both A- and B-fields of the the A- and B-instruction and write to both A- and B-fields exchanging fields (A to B and B to A). -->
<SEQ TYPE="KEYWORD3">.I</SEQ> <!-- Instructions read and write entire instructions. -->
<!-- Arithmetic: -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">+</SEQ> <!-- addition or unary plus -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">-</SEQ> <!-- subtraction or unary minus -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">/</SEQ> <!-- division -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">%</SEQ> <!-- modulo (remainder of division) -->
<!-- Comparison (*): -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">==</SEQ> <!-- equality -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">!=</SEQ> <!-- inequality -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR"><=</SEQ> <!-- less than or equal -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">>=</SEQ> <!-- greater than or equal -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR"><</SEQ> <!-- less than -->
<SEQ TYPE="OPERATOR">></SEQ> <!-- greater than -->